Ecem Yücel is an Ottawa-based Turkish-Canadian writer, poet, translator, and interpreter. Born in Istanbul, Turkey, in 1989, Yücel worked as a magazine translator, transcriptionist, and editor in various Turkish magazines of music, travel, and education as well as a book translator for a few publishing houses before moving to Canada in 2017. Today, a Canadian citizen, Yücel holds an MA in World Literatures and Cultures from the University of Ottawa and works as a cultural interpreter. Her writing has recently appeared or is forthcoming in Salamander Magazine, The Evergreen Review, HAD, Maudlin House, The Hooghly Review, Stanchion Zine, Overheard Literary Magazine, Gone Lawn Journal, Idle Ink, Kissing Dynamite Poetry Journal, Celestite Poetry, The Daily Drunk Magazine, Autofocus Literary Magazine, Cypress Poetry Journal, Selcouth Station Press, Ayaskala Magazine, Wine Cellar Press, Alien Buddha Press, Final Girl Bulletin Board, A Thin Slice of Anxiety Journal, Boats Against the Current Magazine. Her debut poetry book The Anguish of an Oyster is available on Amazon, Kobo, and Barnes & Noble.